Link | Discord | Twitter | Docs
Component | Requirement |
OS | Ubuntu 20.04 LTS |
CPU | 2vCPU (4 cores) |
RAM | 8 GB |
Storage | 250 GB SSD |
Docker Installation
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y docker.io
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl enable docker
Obtain Union Testnet Binary
export UNIOND_VERSION='v0.14.0'
docker pull ghcr.io/unionlabs/uniond:$UNIOND_VERSION
Run uniond
mkdir ~/.union
docker run -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v ~/.union:/.union -it ghcr.io/unionlabs/uniond:$UNIOND_VERSION init $MONIKER bn254 --home /.union
Issue Sub-Commands to uniond
export UNIOND_VERSION='v0.14.0'
alias uniond='docker run -v ~/.union:/.union -it ghcr.io/unionlabs/uniond:$UNIOND_VERSION --home /.union'
Start Node
touch compose.yml
nano compose.yml
Paste the code below in compose.yml
cat <<EOF > compose.yml
image: ghcr.io/unionlabs/uniond:${UNIOND_VERSION}
- ~/.union:/.union
- /tmp:/tmp
network_mode: "host"
restart: unless-stopped
command: start --home /.union
Press CTRL X, then Yes
docker-compose up -f path/to/compose.yml -d
Obtain Genesis Testnet
curl https://rpc.cryptware.io/genesis | jq '.result.genesis' > ~/.union/config/genesis.json
Create Account
uniond keys add $KEY_NAME
uniond keys add $KEY_NAME --recover
Receive Testnet Tokens
uniond keys show $KEY_NAME --address
State Sync (Optional)
curl -s https://rpc.cryptware.io/block | jq -r '.result.block.header.height + "\n" + .result.block_id.hash'
# Edit the TOML file ~/.union/config/config.toml and set the fields under [statesync]
# [statesync]
# enable = true
# rpc_servers = "https://rpc.cryptware.io:443,https://rpc.purmuzlu.cc:443"
# trust_height = 11143 # Replace with trusted_height
# trust_hash = "DAD8FE1231B030B27D36634C52DEAECCABDB6AA0AFDECC9459E507A254D4D6C9" # Replace with trusted_hash
# trust_period = "400s"
uniond start
Create Validator
uniond tx staking create-validator \
--amount 1000000muno \
--pubkey $(uniond tendermint show-validator) \
--moniker $MONIKER \
--chain-id union-testnet-4 \
--from $KEY_NAME \
--commission-max-change-rate "0.1" \
--commission-max-rate "0.20" \
--commission-rate "0.1" \
--min-self-delegation "1"